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The Poetry of Breath: an ekphrastic writing workshop with Jordan Trethewey

October 6, 2024October 6, 2024

Join us on Sunday, October 6th, for an ekphrastic writing workshop with the City of Fredericton’s 3rd Poet Laureate, Jordan Trethewey, inspired by Ann Manuel's installation, Breath.

Jordan will provide a brief overview of the styles of ekphrastic writing (which is, in essence, writing inspired by art), with examples from his own work. The majority of the workshop will be spent contemplating and responding to Ann Manuel’s current exhibition at the Beaverbrook Art Gallery. Jordan will be available to brainstorm ideas with participants and help them overcome potential roadblocks along the way. The final 30 minutes will be devoted to sharing your new poetry, fiction, memoir, reflections, or any other chosen form with all participants.

Tickets are $20, Ages 16+
