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Isolated // Together

April 2, 2022May 1, 2022

A partnership between Atlantic Ballet Atlantique Canada, Theatre New Brunswick, and the Beaverbrook Art Gallery, Isolated//Together is a multidisciplinary project documenting the COVID-19 experience In New Brunswick through dance, film, music, spoken word, photography and visual arts. Masks will be part of our culture for the foreseeable future. In this new project, we invited fourteen artists to submit designs for a wearable facemask that commemorates the masks we are wearing and their related social constraints, as we navigate the challenges of a pandemic. These will be joined by an accessible isolation booth for viewers to take in stories, videos, and images of the public’s pandemic stories.

Isolated // Together

The fourteen artists are:

Vicky Lentz, Brigitte Clavette, Katrina Slade, Emma Hassencahl-Perley, Kyana Kingbird, Luc Charette, Trish Hirschkorn, Jennifer Adam, Sheryl Crowley, Alevtina Sharapova, Amanda Trizna, Jasmine Cull, Ralph Simpson, and Alisa Arseneault.

This project is supported by the Department of Tourism, Heritage, and Culture.
