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Guillaume Desrosiers Lépine: Screens 

January 21, 2023June 3, 2023

Upon making contact with the immersive and ever-changing work of Guillaume Desrosiers Lépine, the first characteristic one notices is likely saturation; the saturation of colors, supports, forms, and images that juxtapose in multiple groupings in the gallery space. During the run of this exhibition, the installation will be continuously transformed, leaving visible traces of previous iterations. Borrowing from hypertext - a founding term of cyberculture – in this installation Lépine projects the perspective of a total and hyperpictorial work. Analogous to the hypertextual link, which by its original definition is a means of linking information of various kinds through a network of nodes, the exhibition Écrans / Screens sets up such an environment that mobilizes visitors to navigate from one element of the visual environment to another.

Curator : Guillaume Adjutor Provost
