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Amy Ash: Perennial Bodies

March 10, 2023June 1, 2023

Perennial Bodies, a solo exhibition by Amy Ash, blooms with queer wonder and the tenderness of coming together in care. Layered imagery of bodies coalesce, across species and matter, to remind us that we belong to larger ecosystems. With a nod to the sublime unknown, Perennial Bodies embraces the wisdom in cycles of seeding, growth, flourishing, loss, rest, and, particularly, regrowth.  

What can we learn from the kinship of tangled roots and whispering rhizomes, the sharing of resources for mutual flourishing, and the vibrant reemergence after a long winter of rest? 

Perennial Bodies imagines an effervescent collective capacity for shared sensation that encourages reciprocity, mutual flourishing, and new ways of coming together to right our relationship with the world.  
