a Member

Registration Open for Artistica Summer Art Camps!

April 3, 2023

Programs for kids ages 5-11 and 12-16 who like adventures in art!

All materials are provided!

Every camp participant will receive a small sketchbook to use and keep.

Your week-long adventure includes gallery visits, lunchtime outings to see the Calithumpians, and games on the Green. Some camps also include outings to Science East!

Camps run from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. 

Late pick-ups: Until 5:30, by arrangement. There is a daily $5 charge.

Dress for mess and fun! Non-marking indoor shoes are recommended.

Campers need lunch and two snacks, drinks, sunscreen, and a sunhat.

$230 for 5-day camps - Click here to register!

$190 for 4-day camps - Click here to register!

10% members discount


All our art instructors and camp supervisors are experienced educators who encourage creativity, self-expression, and development in the arts.

Your children will have the opportunity to create original art in a friendly, respectful environment where they are at the centre of the learning process.

Our staff are certified to provide first aid and CPR and to adapt to your children’s learning styles and needs.

A day at the art camp

8:00 - 9:00       Welcome, introduction

9:00 - 11:00    Gallery visit and Art Making

11:00 - 12:00 Clean up

12:00 - 2:00    Lunch, Outings, Games

2:00 - 4:00       Art Making

4:00 - 4:30      Wrap up and clean up

4:30 - 5:00       Play and Pick-up

*Occasionally, when the weather is not great, we watch short animated videos.

We welcome your suggestions and comments about the art camp, and we hope your child will treasure the art experiences and the friends they make here.

June 26 - 30, 2023:

Ages: 8-11

Mini Master class with Emilie Grace Lavoie

Young artists, join us for a week at the Art School; Through drawing, illustration, painting, and sculpture, come and explore techniques and various artistic processes. Discover the artists of our collection while learning about the artistic movements of their time.

July 4 - 7, 2023 (4 days camp)

Ages: 5-11

Science fiction and surrealism with Emilie Grace Lavoie

Aliens, anyone?! Come and explore the strange, the odd, and the bizarre with sculpture and collage. Over the course of the week, emerge yourself into a fantastic universe to inspire you to join the far reaches of the cosmos. Learn about the links between science and the visual arts while visiting Science East for activities. Create clay, plaster, wire, and paper sculptures.

July 10 - 14, 2023

Ages: 8-11

Picture This with Christina Thomson

Inspired by the visual storytelling of Hatem Aly, create a collage, draw, paint, and sculpt your stories! We will explore imaginative illustrations inspired by your favorite comics and characters, and we will experiment with a variety of media such as printmaking, clay, and acrylic paint on canvas.

July 17 - 21, 2023

Ages: 5-8

Chickadees with Christina Thomson

Get busy crafting: mixed-media portraits, watercolours, and acrylics painting landscapes, and objects! Design your own t-shirts, and create soft sculptures and wearable art with fiber and textiles.

July 24 - 28, 2023

Ages: 5- 8

Super Supper Table with Miguelina Izaguirre

An invitation to set your own table!

Inspired by Mary Pratt's iconic 1969 painting Supper Table.

An invitation to set your own table. Each day, the kids will have the opportunity to create their own utensils, plates, placemats, and colorful food. Don’t be surprised if cupcakes or ice cream appear on the table, anything you’d like, you can have by exploring different techniques like collage, papier mache, and clay. 

Daily activities:

Creation of Utensils, bowls, clay cupcakes, fabric collage placemats, favorite fruits and vegetables, and decoration of glass jars.

July 31 - August 4, 2023

Ages: 12-16

Fashion Week with Cleo Gallant

Over the course of the week, fashion students will begin by exploring their own personal design style through mood boards and sketching, as well as being introduced to the key components of fashion illustration to be able to display their designs. Learners will then work with paper sewing patterns and fabrics to cut out a sewing project which they will then assemble by hand.

August 8 - 11, 2023 (4 days camp)

Ages: 5 - 11

Mini atelier de maître (en français) avec Emilie Grace Lavoie

Jeunes artistes, venez nous rejoindre pour une semaine à l'École d'art. À travers le dessin, l'illustration, la peinture et la sculpture, venez explorer les techniques et les différents procédés artistiques utilisés par les maîtres. Découvrez également les artistes de notre collection tout en vous familiarisant avec les mouvements artistiques liés à leur époque.

August 14-18, 2023

Ages: 9-13

Murals with Laura Forrester

Learn how murals take shape, from inspiration to finished product. Collaborate with fellow camp artists to design and create a colourful mural for our Courtyard. Participants will view and discuss murals, discover inspiring public art, and reflect on how to share personal stories in large collective works.

If you have any questions please contact:

(506) 260-7718
